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Giuseppe L'Erario

PhD Student
Post Doc
Artificial and Mechanical Intelligence
Research center

Giuseppe received a bachelor’s degree in aerospace engineering and a master’s degree in artificial intelligence and robotics from the Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy, in 2015 and 2019,  respectively. He conducted his master thesis with the Artificial and Mechanical Intelligence Lab, IIT, in the context of the iRonCub project, whose aim is to create the first jet-powered flying humanoid robot.

He pursued the Ph.D. withing a split-site program between the University of Manchester and the IIT, researching on the application of optimal control, planning and learning for aerial humanoid robotics locomotion.

He's currently a PostDoc at the Artificial and Mechanical Intelligence Laboratory.

All Publications
Guedelha N., Pasandi V., L'Erario G., Traversaro S., Pucci D.
A Flexible MATLAB/Simulink Simulator for Robotic Floating-base Systems in Contact with the Ground: Theoretical Background and Implementation Details
International Journal of Semantic Computing
Bergonti F., Nava G., Wuest V., Paolino A., L'Erario G., Pucci D., Floreano D.
Co-Design Optimisation of Morphing Topology and Control of Winged Drones
Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, pp. 8679-8685
Conference Paper Conference
L'Erario G., Hanover D., Romero A., Song Y., Nava G., Viceconte P., Pucci D., Scaramuzza D.
Learning to Walk and Fly with Adversarial Motion Priors
2024 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), pp. 8
Conference Paper Conference
Cardenas-Perez C., Romualdi G., Elobaid M., Dafarra S., L'Erario G., Traversaro S., Morerio P., Bue A.D., Pucci D.
XBG: End-to-End Imitation Learning for Autonomous Behaviour in Human-Robot Interaction and Collaboration
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters
Article Journal
Guedelha N., Pasandi V., L'Erario G., Traversaro S., Pucci D.
A Flexible MATLAB/Simulink Simulator for Robotic Floating-base Systems in Contact with the Ground
Proceedings - 2022 6th IEEE International Conference on Robotic Computing, IRC 2022, pp. 53-57
Conference Paper Conference

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