Joint lab

Joint Lab list

Honda Research Institute Japan

We have a joint laboratory with Honda Research Institute Japan (HRI-JP) whose main aim is to develop advanced control, perception, and planning algorithms for human-robot collaboration scenarios.  

The joint lab keywords, which characterise the research we develop, are ergonomy, cobots, and human-robot collaboration.
Besides iCub, the conceived algorithms for human-robot collaboration will be tested on the ED-2R and Asimo humanoid robots.

Danieli Automation

Danieli Automation’s joint lab focuses on the development of flexible robotic systems and automated solutions in the field of steel processing. 

Our aim is to increase safety for workers in hazardous industrial environments by using advanced control, perception and planning algorithms.

Camozzi Automation

The Camozzi Group is a market leader in the production of components for the pneumatics automation with applications in the life science, health and the textile industry. 

As a research line, we are applying our expertise in the modeling, control, and planning of nonlinear systems to the pneumatic field.


The goal of the project is to devise future wearable technologies and humanoid robots to maximise work ergonomy and technological acceptability of future industry and healthcare environments. 

INAIL is the Italian National Institute for Insurance against Accidents at Work, it is a public authority that manages compulsory insurance against accidents at work and occupational diseases.

WorkFar Robotics

The collaboration aims to adapt the iCub Robot’s Avatar architecture to develop a commercial, human-controlled wheeled Avatar Robot in a simulation environment. We will establish the Avatar simulation infrastructure to ensure seamless component operation. The project will integrate advanced manipulation, voice, and visual interfaces for better human-robot interaction, and implement tactile feedback and locomotion controls for precise and realistic movements.


Start-ups list


The spin-off idea from AMI is aiming at providing an integrated platform that enables real-time human health monitoring in terms of motion tracking, articular stress monitoring, and fatigue analysis.  Based on our extensive and in-depth research analysis, we developed groundbreaking technology.

iFeel will be the next step for life-logging human health monitoring for industrial, rehabilitation, sports and gaming applications.

[Funded Projects] -Title

IIT Projects Search

Robotics and AI for Socio-economic Empowerment

Il progetto ROBOTICS AND AI FOR SOCIO-ECONOMIC EMPOWERMENT (RAISE) mira a sostenere lo sviluppo di un ecosistema di innovazione basato sui domini scientifici e tecnologici dell'AI e della Robotica, concentrandosi sulle esigenze di uno specifico contesto regionale, ovvero la Regione Liguria. Il progetto aspira ad evolvere in un ecosistema altamente attrattivo per imprese, investitori e ricercatori, sia a livello nazionale che internazionale. Il progetto proposto è radicato in un territorio regionale caratterizzato da specificità scientifiche, tecnologiche ed economiche (coerenza piena con Smart Specialization regionale). La Liguria appare come un laboratorio a cielo aperto in cui i trend demografici si sono manifestati prima che in qualsiasi altra parte del mondo (per una serie di ragioni storiche) e proprio qui sono presenti alcuni dei più grandi laboratori di ricerca robotica e di IA presenti in Italia con programmi scientifici che esplorano la compresenza di macchine intelligenti accanto all'uomo per migliorare la qualità della vita e del lavoro, (“Robot Valley”). In questa prospettiva, mira a costruire sui punti di forza e contribuire a ridurre le debolezze, facendo leva sulle risorse e le capacità esistenti, nonché generando nuove opportunità attraverso un trasferimento di conoscenze efficace ed efficiente. L'idea alla base di questo ecosistema è quella di coordinare e valorizzare questi progetti in una logica di integrazione del sistema di trasferimento tecnologico, utilizzando il mercato locale come uno straordinario e immediato laboratorio di sperimentazione. L'ecosistema rappresenta una sorta di "motore" per riscrivere le basi dell'industrializzazione tramite la Robotica e l’intelligenza artificiale anche per affrontare la sfida energetica e, includere una solida progettazione etica e human-centred, creando connessioni stabili e virtuose tra gli attori coinvolti e mettendo in atto un ambiente che favorisca l'innovazione ad alto impatto economico e sociale. Il progetto si propone l'ambizioso obiettivo di assumere un ruolo di riferimento nell'area di specializzazione delineata, a livello nazionale e internazionale.

People involved
Monica Gori
Monica Gori
Unit for Visually Impaired People
Arash Ajoudani
Arash Ajoudani
Human-Robot Interfaces and Interaction
Athanassia Athanassiou
Athanassia Athanassiou
Smart Materials
Lucia Beccai
Lucia Beccai
Soft BioRobotics Perception
Luca Berdondini
Luca Berdondini
Microtechnology for Neuroelectronics
Francesca Cagnoni
Francesca Cagnoni
Research Organization Directorate
Darwin Gordon Caldwell-Deputy
Ferdinando Cannella
Ferdinando Cannella
Industrial Robotics Facility
Marco Crepaldi
Marco Crepaldi
Electronic Design Laboratory
Massimo De Vittorio
Massimo De Vittorio
Smart Healthcare Technologies
Paolo Decuzzi
Paolo Decuzzi
Nanotechnology for Precision Medicine
Alessio Del Bue
Alessio Del Bue
Pattern Analysis and Computer Vision
Antonella Fontana
Antonella Fontana
Legal Affairs Directorate
Enzo Gelati
Procurement Directorate
Matteo Laffranchi
Matteo Laffranchi
Rehab Technologies - INAIL-IIT lab
Guglielmo Lanzani
Guglielmo Lanzani
Nanomaterials for Energy and Lifescience
Marco Maggiali
Marco Maggiali
iCub Tech
Barbara Mazzolai
Barbara Mazzolai
Bioinspired Soft Robotics
Lorenzo Natale
Lorenzo Natale
Humanoid Sensing and Perception
Andrea Pagnin
Technology Transfer Directorate
Alberto Parmiggiani
Alberto Parmiggiani
Mechanical Workshop
Ferruccio Pisanello
Ferruccio Pisanello
Multifunctional Neural Interfaces with deep-brain regions
Pier Paolo Pompa
Pier Paolo Pompa
Nanobiointeractions & Nanodiagnostics
Massimiliano Pontil
Massimiliano Pontil
Computational Statistics and Machine Learning
Daniele Pucci
Daniele Pucci
Artificial and Mechanical Intelligence
Walter Rocchia
Walter Rocchia
Computational mOdelling of NanosCalE and bioPhysical sysTems
Alessandra Sciutti
Alessandra Sciutti
COgNiTive Architecture for Collaborative Technologies
Claudio Semini
Claudio Semini
Dynamic Legged Systems
Raffaella Tonini
Raffaella Tonini
Neuromodulation of Cortical and Subcortical Circuits
Valter Tucci
Valter Tucci
Genetics and Epigenetics of Behavior
Project information
Raise new 11.2023
RAISE Robotics and AI for Socio-economic Empowerment
Start date
End date
Total budget: 43.243.513,54€
Total contribution: 19.143.165,38€

Title project closed

Projects list


Marie Sklodowska-Curie Innovative Training Networks under Grant Agreement No. 642667

Role: supervision of a PhD student funded by the project


Marie Sklodowska-Curie Innovative Training Networks under Grant Agreement No. 642961

Role: supervision of a PhD student funded by the project


Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement No. 731540

Role: coordination - Francesco Nori - and PI - Daniele Pucci.






FP7 - European Union Marie Curie Actions with Francesca Stramandinoli