Joint lab

Joint Lab list

Honda Research Institute Japan

We have a joint laboratory with Honda Research Institute Japan (HRI-JP) whose main aim is to develop advanced control, perception, and planning algorithms for human-robot collaboration scenarios.  

The joint lab keywords, which characterise the research we develop, are ergonomy, cobots, and human-robot collaboration.
Besides iCub, the conceived algorithms for human-robot collaboration will be tested on the ED-2R and Asimo humanoid robots.

Danieli Automation

Danieli Automation’s joint lab focuses on the development of flexible robotic systems and automated solutions in the field of steel processing. 

Our aim is to increase safety for workers in hazardous industrial environments by using advanced control, perception and planning algorithms.

Camozzi Automation

The Camozzi Group is a market leader in the production of components for the pneumatics automation with applications in the life science, health and the textile industry. 

As a research line, we are applying our expertise in the modeling, control, and planning of nonlinear systems to the pneumatic field.


The goal of the project is to devise future wearable technologies and humanoid robots to maximise work ergonomy and technological acceptability of future industry and healthcare environments. 

INAIL is the Italian National Institute for Insurance against Accidents at Work, it is a public authority that manages compulsory insurance against accidents at work and occupational diseases.

WorkFar Robotics

The collaboration aims to adapt the iCub Robot’s Avatar architecture to develop a commercial, human-controlled wheeled Avatar Robot in a simulation environment. We will establish the Avatar simulation infrastructure to ensure seamless component operation. The project will integrate advanced manipulation, voice, and visual interfaces for better human-robot interaction, and implement tactile feedback and locomotion controls for precise and realistic movements.


Start-ups list


The spin-off idea from AMI is aiming at providing an integrated platform that enables real-time human health monitoring in terms of motion tracking, articular stress monitoring, and fatigue analysis.  Based on our extensive and in-depth research analysis, we developed groundbreaking technology.

iFeel will be the next step for life-logging human health monitoring for industrial, rehabilitation, sports and gaming applications.

[Funded Projects] -Title

IIT Projects Search

Applicazioni dell'ambient intelligence e della robotica collaborativa delle tecnologie per la collaborazione uomo-robot finalizzata alla gestione integrata del rischio

ergoCub mira ad ottenere risultati sempre più innovativi per la gestione e la prevenzione del rischio biomeccanico realizzando robot da inserire in scenari lavorativi reali considerando tra gli aspetti fondamentali quelli di accettabilità del robot e interazione con il robot. I due scenari sui quali si concentreranno le attività di ricerca sono: uno scenario industriale ed uno scenario ospedaliero. Includendo i robot nello scenario di lavoro bisognerà comprendere i meccanismi alla base dell'interazione uomo-robot - in un’ottica interdisciplinare - e catturare e quantificare l'entità dell’eventuale miglioramento correlato al rischio portato dalla presenza di questi elementi. Ciò contribuirebbe a una migliore interazione progettuale tra lavoratori e robot, non solo in funzione diretta dell'efficienza del lavoro e della produzione, ma anche considerando gli aspetti associati all'ergonomia del lavoro e alle condizioni di lavoro dell'operatore. La ricerca nel campo della robotica collaborativa, insieme a quella della sensoristica miniaturizzata indossabile, sviluppata considerando tutti gli aspetti sopracitati, consentirà la modernizzazione delle tecniche di valutazione dei rischi e una significativa riduzione del rischio da sovraccarico biomeccanico, nonché lo sviluppo di interventi di sostegno per aumentare l’abilità lavorativa e ridurre l’impatto della disabilità.

Persone coinvolte
Daniele Pucci
Daniele Pucci
Artificial and Mechanical Intelligence
Marco Maggiali
Marco Maggiali
iCub Tech
Lorenzo Natale
Lorenzo Natale
Humanoid Sensing and Perception
Logo ergoCub
Data inizio
Data fine
Total budget: 4.973.246,66€
Total contribution: 4.973.246,66€

Title project closed

Projects list


Marie Sklodowska-Curie Innovative Training Networks under Grant Agreement No. 642667

Role: supervision of a PhD student funded by the project


Marie Sklodowska-Curie Innovative Training Networks under Grant Agreement No. 642961

Role: supervision of a PhD student funded by the project


Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement No. 731540

Role: coordination - Francesco Nori - and PI - Daniele Pucci.






FP7 - European Union Marie Curie Actions with Francesca Stramandinoli